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2025年4月18日-20日 | 中国·常州


EECR 会议一直以来面向基础与前沿、学科与产业,探究学术界和产业界面临的机遇与挑战,建立起高端学术交流的平台,旨在为学术研究界和产业界的资深研究者和青年研究者提供一个信息交流的国际平台。

大会日程丰富,包含主旨报告、分会场讨论、口头报告、海报展示、实验室交流等, 旨在轻松、直接和多文化的会议氛围中促进学术的交流,国际合作的达成。


本次大会录用并注册的文章将出版到 EECR 2025 论文集,由 IEEE 出版,并提交 EI 核心 和 Scopus检索。

文章作者将被邀请参会做口头报告。 热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会!期待与您在常州相见!

EECR 2025Award 奖项评选

 Best Paper Award 最佳论文奖

Selection of the best paper is based on the papers’ technical innovation, originality and potential impact on the field, clarity of written paper and quality of the oral presentation. One winner will be selected by the conference committee.

 Best Oral Presentation Award 最佳口头报告奖

For every technical session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English.

 Best Poster Award 最佳海报报告奖

All the accepted and registered poster papers.
It will be selected by every poster session chairs.

(Know More)

2025 11th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Control and Robotics

April 18-20, 2025 | Changzhou, China

Welcome to the official website of EECR 2025!

2025 11th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Control and Robotics (EECR 2025) will be held in Changzhou, China during April 18-20, 2025, with the supports of Hohai University, China. The goal of this conference is to foster pure and applied researches in recognition of academic and industry, and to encourage interdisciplinary and international collaboration for the participants.

We welcome contributions that promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between educators and researchers from around the world, and we look forward to your participation in EECR 2025!

Conference Proceedings

Accepted papers will be included in EECR 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will be archived in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and other indexing services.

Publication History

EECR 2024 | EECR 2023 | EECR 2022 | EECR 2021 | EECR 2020 | EECR 2019 | EECR 2018

Online Submission System / 在线投稿链接
Paper Template Download (.docx) / 文章模板下载 (.docx)
Paper Template Download (LaTex) / 文章模板下载 (LaTex)
Delegate Online Registration / 参会嘉宾在线注册

Submission Due

December 1ST, 2024


Notification Day

January 1ST, 2025


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